Time for another installment of our new series, “Know the Producer on Your Plate,” where we delve into the stories behind the local food you love, with the producers you love. This month, we’re thrilled to feature Omghee!
You’ll find Omghee at AHFM this Saturday and Lisa is an expert on this ancient super food. Read on to discover what she has to say on the health benefits and how Omghee is made. Be sure to stop by their stall for a tasting and some cooking tips!
Name of your business
How long have you been trading at AHFM?
Since Nov 2021
What do you appreciate about farmer’s markets?
The community: everyone is so lovely and supportive.
What does the farmer’s market offer your business?
The ability to educate about the health benefits of ghee. Because people don’t really get that you can eat a great tasting ghee as it is and use it as a healthy, lactose free butter alternative, I get to offer tastings on biscuits and change their opinion.
How do you prepare your products for the market?
We choose Paris Creek Farms because of the quality and quantity of the nutrients in the butter because of their higher soil quality due to biodynamic farming practices. They are also the only Dairy in Australia to be carbon neutral. They also supply us butter that is unfrozen which is super important when making ghee.
We handmake our product – cooking the butter for hours on a time to get the deep butterscotch flavour profile we are becoming known for. We hand pour and hand label.
Its intensive but it is a labour of love, for us the cook is sacred. The ‘not so se-cret’ ingredients in our ghee are love, joy, and intention.
Love for the cows and the farmer who tend over them. Love for the butter and its willingness to succumb to something new and love you, our customer.
Joy to be following our passion and delivering a quality product. And lastly, the intention that every mouthful of ghee becomes a part of you, providing maximum wellbeing, and the spirit of and love and joy seeps into each and every cell of your body.
What message would you like to give to the Adelaide Hills community about our market?
Time for another installment of our new series, “Know the Producer on Your Plate,” where we delve into the stories behind the local food you love, with the producers you love. This month, we’re thrilled to feature Omghee!
You’ll find Omghee at AHFM this Saturday and Lisa is an expert on this ancient super food. Read on to discover what she has to say on the health benefits and how Omghee is made. Be sure to stop by their stall for a tasting and some cooking tips!