Have you ever wondered what to do with Nettles? They can appear in our yards and on our produce tables at markets during winter but market goers maybe confused what to do with them. Firstly, nettles are a tonic for our energy systems and who during winter doesn’t need some support in getting out of bed and facing the winter cold. They are high in calcium, magnesium and iron, Vit A, Vit C, beta carotene and contains quercetin and Kaempferol flavonoids. They have anti inflammatory properties that are good for allergies, skin issues and stimulate T-cells for the immune system, they are also good for heart health, kidney, urinary and prostate health and lastly they support gut function by maintaining healthy gut flora. Now you know about all that goodness in the nettle plant, here is what you could do with them.


  1. I large bunch of Nettles
  2. 1 leek
  3. 5-6 large white skinned potato
  4. Cream (optional)
  5. Salt & Pepper seasoning
  6. 2 cups of vegie stock.
  7. Olive oil

Take the nettles and blanche in a pot of boiling water for 5 secs. Finely chop the nettles and place aside. Slice the leek and cook in olive oil until clear, add the nettle, peeled and diced white potatoes. and let sauté together. Add vegie stock, salt and pepper seasoning and let simmer together until potatoes are tender. Puree until smooth and add a dash of cream for that extra creamy texture. Heaven and health in a nourishing winter bowl of soup.